Solving Key Challenges for Ag Input Providers with FarmTest

FarmTest’s tools help you achieve statistically significant results, reducing uncertainty and delivering reliable, field-specific data.


  1. Statistically Significant Results. FarmTest can help you achieve reliable, field-specific data to prove product performance.

  2. Efficient Trial Management. Streamline multiple on-farm trials, saving time and resources.

  3. Faster Time to Market. FarmTest accelerates your product testing phase, reducing development cycles.

  4. Localized Data for Tailored Recommendations. Access region-specific data for accurate and effective product recommendations.

As an agricultural input provider, demonstrating the performance of your products can be a significant challenge. Conducting field trials is arduous and time-consuming. According to Nature Food journal, more than 30,000 farms across 30 countries are now engaging in On-Farm Experimentation (OFE), highlighting the growing importance of on-farm trials. FarmTest helps you keep up by automating the design, execution, and analysis of trials, making it easier for you to generate the reliable data you need to prove your products' value to growers, ultimately boosting customer confidence and supporting informed decision-making.

Challenge: Need for reliable and statistically significant data 

Solution: Achieve Statistically Significant Results

Uncertainty about product performance in varying field conditions can make it difficult to prove your products’ effectiveness, which in turn makes it harder to convince farmers to invest. Different conditions further complicate the ability to gather reliable performance data.

FarmTest’s tools help you achieve statistically significant results, reducing uncertainty and delivering reliable, field-specific data. This gives you a clear understanding of how your products perform in real-world conditions, leading to better decision-making.

Challenge: Limited capacity to manage multiple trials efficiently

Solution: Quicker On-Farm Trials, Less Work

Managing multiple on-farm trials can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, often stretching the capacity of your team. FarmTest streamlines this process, allowing you to conduct more trials with more growers with greater efficiency. This expands your research capabilities while freeing up time and resources to focus on other critical tasks.

FarmTest’s tools help you achieve statistically significant results, reducing uncertainty and delivering reliable, field-specific data.

FarmTest’s tools help you achieve statistically significant results, reducing uncertainty and delivering reliable, field-specific data.

Challenge: Slow product development cycles delay market entry

Solution: Reduce Time to Market

Product testing and development is a lengthy process, often delaying the time it takes to market products. This can be a significant disadvantage in the competitive ag input industry. Recognizing the broader implications of lengthy product testing and development timelines helps you understand the importance of streamlining the product testing phase to maintain a competitive advantage. FarmTest’s precise and efficient trial processes facilitate quicker decision-making, potentially reducing the product development cycle by a year or more.

Challenge: Lack of tailored recommendations for specific regions

Solution: Leverage Local Data

Unique field conditions warrant region-specific data to make accurate product recommendations. Agricultural inputs, such as fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds perform differently depending on several factors, including soil type and climate. Without localized data, it’s difficult to provide accurate recommendations. FarmTest enables you to access and utilize localized data, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of your recommendations for growers in different locations.

Challenge: Slow data analysis 

Solution: Fast Analysis and Reporting

It’s one thing to conduct precise on-farm trials, and it’s another thing to receive these reports on-time. Any delay could mean missed important opportunities. FarmTest provides fast analysis and reporting to help you make timely decisions, keeping your projects on track and giving you a competitive edge.

With a streamlined approach to field trials, FarmTest creates solutions that address key challenges faced by agricultural input providers and retailers. Our tools enable you to present clear, evidence-based product benefits that foster strong relationships with farmers and enhance overall business performance.


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